"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.

                   So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails."

                                                                                       - Mark Twain 


        Explore.    Dream.    Discover.


Destinations overview -> Europe -> Mediterranean

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Cruise or tour the Mediterranean for a great vacation experience. Beautiful sunny coastlines, great food, and varied cultural experiences await you. Ancient temples, Roman ruins and Byzantine monasteries offer centuries of fascinating history.

Great Trips

Villa Agrippina Gran Melia
3 nights starting at $1,074.33
from Pleasant Holidays
available 5/18/2025 - 5/21/2025
12-Day British Isles
12 nights starting at $1,617.00
from Princess Cruises®
available 7/8/2025 - 7/20/2025
Northern Spain
10 nights starting at $3,350.00
from Trafalgar
available 3/28/2026 - 4/7/2026

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